Where Artists discover, recover, and create in community…

Here’s to the Host!

Why does the Table exist?

The Table Exists to Develop Free Artists

By cultivating a community where spiritual and artistic formation can happen.

A Flourish San Diego Initiative

At The Table - we believe that though we set the table and pull up chairs for each other, Christ is the Host.

This is HIS Table and Jesus is the feast. Even more than the connection we long for and the generosity we receive with one another…. The creator of all things has exactly what we need.

Here at The Table, we are discovering that we have everything we need to take the next step to become the artists we desire to be.


Like we said.. We believe in generosity, and not only do we believe it is an essential part of this work happening here at the Table but we believe that when you generously give it inspires even more Generosity!!

At the Table our belief is that each artist will make an life giving impact to their communities through their unique vantage point.

Our partners know and believe that Artists get there first in being able to express love, kindness, justice and generosity.

There is an abundance of resources to go around - and you can directly share yours with local artists here.

When you click the donate button you’re able to donate directly to the Table Initiative hosted through Flourish San Diego.

Direct donations will help build Artist Cohorts, pay for curriculum and fund end of year projects for 2023/2024

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