Humble Beginnings

The Table is:

A collection of Artists, songwriters, storytellers who all have one thing in common…

They long to have a seat at the Table.

In 2022 we have never been more saturated with content: from music, video, images, the written word, stories… and more. It can be difficult for anyone to see their place, importance or value in this cultural moment (especially artists). We live in a noisy time in history, and it is difficult to feel unheard and unseen in the justle of society.

At The Table, our desire is to create a safe space where THE ARTIST CAN BE SEEN FOR WHO THEY ARE, BEFORE WHAT THEY CREATE OR DO.

Artists commit to an extended cohort together where we focus on our artistic development and spiritual formation. Creative communities can tend to be competitive and cut-throat, so here at the table, we major on inspiring and embodying generosity to one another. We believe that this flows as a natural response to the Creator being generous with us. 

The goal is simple - to help FREE ARTISTS to create from a place of spiritual and creative health.

In caring for and supporting the Artist themselves, we believe that they and the communities that they are planted in will flourish and be encouraged by the beauty that will surely spring up. 


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The First Cohort

The first Artist Cohort took place in from Spring 2021 - Spring 2022. Together 14 Artists from California engaged in a transformative experience that freed them up to create without any expectation. And the result was BEAUTIFUL.

Our Year One Album is a reflection of what is produced out of a place of rest & renewal for the Artist. It is a collaborative compilation album that highlights the themes that each individual artist experienced.

While the album is currently in production, the lasting friendships & support network for each artist is ongoing as it was designed. And as new cohorts begin to emerge this next year, each artist has the freedom to engage with their forever community however they feel led.

Want to know more about joining a Cohort? More info here